UNC Affiliates Can Now Submit Staff Termination Service Requests
UNC Affiliates can now submit Staff Termination service requests for users within their departments. Previously affiliates would have to find someone with access to the Staff Termination service request to do this for them. (STRY0030710)
New Watch List Email Notification for Change Requests
If you’re on the watch list for a change request in ServiceNow, you’ll now receive an email notification when the work notes are updated. (STRY0030665)
We Updated Hyperlinks in ServiceNow to Comply with Digital Accessibility Office Standards
You’ll notice that all the hyperlinks in ServiceNow are now underlined. We made this change so ServiceNow links comply with Digital Accessibility Office standards. (STRY0030818)
Computer Repair Check-In Agreements Now Generated in ServiceNow
We added the ability for ServiceNow to generate a PDF of the check-in agreement for computer repairs and loaner checkouts on the incident form. Previously, the PDF was created as a report in Jaspersoft, but since Jaspersoft is being decommissioned, we moved the functionality to ServiceNow. This is available to the groups who have access to submit CRC repairs in ServiceNow. To generate the agreement, click the Repair/Loaner Agreement button at the top of the incident and then click the Generate button at the bottom of the screen to attach the PDF to the incident. Then you can click the PDF link to download and print the agreement. (STRY0030668)
New Email Notification for Expiring Knowledge Base Articles
For knowledge articles that require a technical review, the Technical Reviewer, the Knowledge Base Owner, and the Knowledge Base Managers will now receive a notification email thirty days before an article is due to expire. ServiceNow will automatically create a service request for the technical review when the notifications are sent out. (STRY0030611)
View PDF Attachments in ServiceNow Without Downloading Them
Previous to this release, if you wanted to view a PDF attachment in ServiceNow, you had to download the file to your computer first and then open it. Now you can open and view PDFs directly within ServiceNow. (STRY0030518)
New Digital Accessibility Services Tool Onboarding Option
We added a Tool Onboarding service to the Digital Accessibility Services catalog item. This service option is used for requesting help or a consultation from the Digital Accessibility team in using an accessibility tool. (STRY0030715)